Bearers of the Word

Advent and Christmas at Silver Spring UMC

Learn more about the ways you can learn, worship, serve, and fellowship during this sacred season at Silver Spring United Methodist Church.

Paul once wrote to the Roman church that “the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.” Referencing the revelation of Jesus, Paul reminds us of the ways we continue to wait in anticipation in a still-broken world for the healing, hope, and restoration Christ proclaimed. In light of so much suffering, our hearts can grow weary, restless, and numb to the ways God’s presence and power are still active in the world–and the role we each have to play both in bearing and birthing them into the world.

Join us on this Advent journey as we consider how we–as those shaped by, stewarding, and building on the Word of God–are called to create space in our lives and world for ALL people to receiv