Exciting new developments are unfolding at Silver Spring United Methodist Church!

The Building Beloved Community Committee (BBCC) has been working over the past month with the architectural firm Wiencek + Associates (W+A) to begin a comprehensive engagement process with the congregation and broader community.  With our development partners, the goal of these sessions is to draw input from and collaboratively envision the future of the SSUMC campus with our congregation, our church partners surrounding neighbors and other potential key stakeholders in our future affordable housing residences. 

Kickoff sessions were held on June 2 and 4 at the church. We were very heartened to see good participation and are grateful for all the questions and comments received thus far. If you were not able to attend, you can review what was presented at these links:

There will be more opportunities throughout the summer to interact with the BBCC. Additional events are planned as follows:

  • Saturday June 15, 10am – 2pm – At this Congregation & Community Planning/Visioning Meeting, we will engage in small-group brainstorming around the big questions, and contemplate various ideas important to stakeholders. If you are not able to attend the entire event, you may drop in for a shorter period as you are able. Snacks will be provided.
  • Thursday July 11, 6:45 – 8:45 pm – Informal coffee and building walk-through for members of the community
  • Saturday July 20, 10am – noon – Agenda TBA
  • Saturday July 27, 10am to noon – Informal coffee and building walk-through for members of the community
  • Sunday July 28, 11:30am – 1:00pm – Coffee with the Senior Pastor

Please plan to take part in these vital sessions, as your engagement is crucial to the success of “Building a Beloved Community.” To review more detailed information about our project, you can visit our website at https://www.silverspringumc.org/beloved-community.  And for ANY question you may have, feel free to contact us at belovedcommunity@silversspringumcp.org and one of the BBCC committee members will get back to you.